Why choose Friktoria?
Why FRIKTORIA ? Because there are more than just real fast & cheap PCs. Here are some of the many reasons to choose FRIKTORIA for your expert on Data Center Services and Internet.
- We exist and operate networks, Internet and data services for many years now, since 1988. (counting in "years of internet" it's about 100 years!). Our maturity and our experience count. We are not "parachutists" in space. We are means to those who brought Internet in Greece and we say it proudly !
- We are approachable. If you really think of the facts (when you add all functions) we undoubtedly offer more value than any nearest competitor. Sometimes we have to look beyond the price and consider all things, such as quality, uptime, ABSOLUTE support and then the characteristics. There is a cost to "cheap service" - do not let it burn you.
- Higher tier data centers. Our data centers provide some of the highest levels of design and engineering features available in the world, surpassing the standards of uptime, security, cooling and alternative energies of most accommodation facilities.
- The Internet needs a new host partner. 2006, Shared Hosting died. Internet changed, and the requirements of the web site owners also changed. There was to much traffic and traditional servers couldn't stand the pressure. A new solution was needed, that could handle from one day to another load spikes without costly reconfiguration. We had to reinvent web hosting. So, if you want, go a step further and call us HOSTING Version 2.0.
- We have more than 500 first-level domain names. Domain names offered from FRIKTORIA cover 95% of European market and 80% of global market. If you are the owner of a name e.g. example.com and you determined to strengthen your presence in the Internet, with the consolidation of that name (example.org or example.eu), you only have to contact with us. We also provide automatic updates via e-mail. FRIKTORIA sends automatic emails many days before the end of subscriptions of your names, so as you can refresh them.
- We face the challenge. Just like all complex systems, hosting services sometimes have problems. When something happens in our network, than affects your sites, we immediately face the challenge and provide transparent status update in real time via a specially madeincident manager. Subscribe to RSS feed to stay informed for the way of it's solution, until it is updated.
- We are friendly. Whenever you contact us, you will find a smiling, pleasing and willing partner (engineer, technician, seller, etc) ready to help you. We believe in the thought of Mahatma Gandhi, who said: "A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.".